September 26, 2012

iPads and Gaming

iPad 2 @Phillips High School
My students lining up after using
the iPads during lunchtime gaming.

Recently I’ve been criticized for allowing my students to participate in Lunchtime Gaming at my school.  While searching for language besides my very colorful array of words to share in a formal response, I found this cool list compiled by Library guru Doug Johnson.  Some items on the list I have either tweaked or added content, but the idea is totally his.  Visit his Blue Skunk Blog to read more about Library Science related topics and enjoy the pictures/captions below.

  • Gaming keeps teens busy, engaged and reinforces responsibility.
These young ladies are wiping the fingerprints off of their iPads screens
  • Gaming gives teens practice learning strategy and logic.
  • Gaming teaches and emphasizes content.
  • Gaming builds reading and math skills.
  • Gaming builds research skills when looking for information about games strategies or solutions to puzzles.
  • Gaming get teens into Libraries who might not otherwise go there, increasing the likelihood of book check out.  (THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME!!!)
  • Gaming serves as a relaxing medium for teens that are under stress.
  • Gaming gives teens practice with social skills especially when they work in teams
  • Teens love the interaction/stimulation that gaming provides.
  • Girls are more active participant in gaming activities.
These Junior level gamers are regulars in my Library Media Center
  • Gaming builds inter-generational conversations and relationships.  (many of these games are used as a primary source of entertainment for some teens)
Teacher Ebony Rose competes  with teens on the popular
'Temple Run' game during the lunchtime gaming period.
  • Gaming encourages teens that are otherwise withdrawn, introverted or shy to socialize with other teens within their peer group.
  • Gaming encourages teens to seek careers in Video Game Design and Production.
  • Gaming creates a safe, friendly environment for competition among teens.

Here's a student's high score on Temple Run

Donations Please!

Recently I posted a plea to my Facebook page for donations of gently used Street Literature books. Thank goodness I have generous friends and colleagues. This morning I picked up 37 books from my friends at another local Chicago Public School! The ladies that are teachers at this school enjoy reading the books within the genre and wanted to make 'room' on their bookshelves at home.

For those of you that are reading this post and are not librarians, I'm going to take you through #BookDonationProcessing mini training.  No, I don't have a library aide and yes, this process can be time consuming.   This is why many Library Media Specialists spend a considerable amount of time behind their circulation desks!  Please try to understand.

I've got to go now because I need to process these books before the students come in during lunch.  Have a good day!

Thank you ladies!  My students and I REALLY appreciate the donation!
Using my district's automation system SOAR, I enter information about the book into the system.
I include the title of the book, author, publishing house, copyright date, call number, collection and price.
Next I add the Phillips barcode label.  This barcode number is assigned to this specific book and allows me to scan
the book for checkout.  This feature comes in handy when I have a line of students during class or lunch periods.
Since the books are jumbled around in the students bookbags,
I place a clear, protective tape over the barcode to further protect the label.
I repeat the process on the inside front cover of the book.
I stamp each book 3 times using the Phillips Library Media Center  stamp.
Last step, I place a call number tab and protective tape on the side of the book.
This call number tab is helpful when locating the book by author (dewey number) on the shelf.
Now the book is ready for circulation!

September 5, 2012

iMovie Fun

After attending the Chicago Public Schools iPad Academy this summer, I've become more proficient with using iMovie.  Here's a recent video I produced for my school's first assembly program.  This video is called, "We Are AUSL Wendell Phillips."  It features students, teaching staff and my Principal.  Enjoy!

We Are AUSL Wendell Phillips from WPAHS Video Page on Vimeo.