January 30, 2014

The Art of #Repost

I love to #Repost...especially on Twitter!
I'm up every morning at 4:30am reading online and learning new things.  Whether it be on my iPhone, my trusty iPad mini or desktop, reading professional articles provides me with more knowledge, direction during confusing times and inspiration to strive for better for my students.  
     Often times, something that is written by another person will grab my interest touch my heart or add fuel to it internal burning fire of an issue that I'm dealing with.   I normally don't #Repost other blogs on my blog but in this case, I just couldn't resist.

#Repost - Diane Ravitch recently posted a speech given by Principal Frank Sutliff.  Sutliff is also the President of SAANYS (School Administrators Association of New York State) and a former librarian.  This speech was delivered to a crowd of concerned citizens and educators at the Oneonta (New York) Forum on January 18m 2014.   

My favorite quote of the article was of course librarian centered:
“I know that I loved reading due to the worlds that it opened; I also know that our so called close readings of prescribed documents and passages will not open up that same love of literature in today’s students.”

Man did he ever hit that one out of the park!  Just read the ENTIRE speech, you will not be disappointed.  Remember, feel free to #Repost.

Diane Ravitch Blog
"A Principal Eloquently Denounces Common Core and Race to the Top"

January 27, 2014

CPS Tech Talk - Part I

     Here's my slideshare and pictures from the first of two presentations I recently gave at Tech Talk.  Tech Talk is a Chicago Public Schools conference that celebrates educational technologies used in a K-12 setting. This year, two of my students Jordan and Myiah joined me.  They described some of the videos they produced and performed a short demonstration on using iMovie.  I am really proud of these young ladies and my hope is they will continue to embrace technology as they move into their senior year.  Below is the presentation and some pictures.  Enjoy!

Producing a Student TV News Program Using iPads from K.C. Boyd
The audience
Techie Girls Myiah and Jordan
Myiah and Jordan presenting a video

CPS Tech Talk - Part II

     I have been giving presentations for years at the local, state and national level.  I've always checked and re-checked my bag to make sure that I had all of my presentation aides and materials.  Unfortunately this time and with the slip of the fingers,  I uploaded the wrong presentation and had to go off of 'my memory' to complete my second presentation of the day.  Believe me this was not a good move as my memory is extremely poor!
     With that said, here is the presentation that should have been uploaded to my slideshare cloud account and presented to the attendees who came to my session.  Hopefully you will enjoy the presentation and recognize that school librarians are already implementing Common Core Standards in their daily lessons.  Just remember to share the AASL Crosswalk for Common Core with your principal, use some of the resources provided in the presentation and take a deep breath.  It's going to take a minute for all of the members of the learning community to understand your role and the indelible impact you will make on student achievement through Common Core.

January 19, 2014

Another Installment of My Fav E-Cards

     I belong to a number if listservs and chat groups for educators and librarians.  Often times the sharing/posting of a simple e-card can make a difference in a persons day or express exactly what they are experiencing in that moment.   
     Here's the latest installment of e-cards that should strike a nerve in all of us.  Enjoy!

January 15, 2014

Phillips Students Salute Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Here's the 'Behind the Paws' salute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  I believe this is the best work the students have completed since the inception of the program.  All this work was created through the use of iPads and a MAC Book Pro.    

Please enjoy the video and feel free to share!

January 11, 2014


Happiness is...the Genius Bar Technician informing you that your sick MAC Book Pro's harddrive is still covered under warranty! #librariansrock #reading #happiness #joy #computer #library #apple #librarians #elearning 

January 9, 2014

@PhillipsLMC Instagram Page

I'm gaining more followers on my LMC Instagram page.  Follow Me @PhillipsLMC

Proud Moment - Part II

     I live in Chicago, I mean #ChiBeria.  This year's snowfall was painfully brutal along with the sub-zero temperatures and windchill.  I especially wasn't happy when my beloved 4x4 truck decided it did not want to start for four days.  In my 'Tamar voice', "Hash-Tag....Frustrating.com"
     Now that I have vented and put my woes to the side, I have some great news to share!  I was recently quoted in an article about Chicago Public Schools Embracing Social Media.  Below you will find the link to the article.  I'm really proud of the social media work I have done personally and for Wendell Phillips Academy High School.  Social Media is fun and it's here to stay.  As educators we need to embrace it and use it to it's fullest capacity to meet the specific needs of our students.

CPS Schools Embrace Social Media