June 4, 2017

Rally to Restore Illinois School Librarians!


Attending the American Library Association Conference in Chicago this month? 

School districts in Illinois are making the wrong choice by cutting school library budgets and laying off licensed school librarians.    Are you tired of hearing about school library closures?  Do you want to join the fight?  A victory in Illinois would mean a win in every state!

Please RSVP and attend the Rally to Restore Illinois School Librarians

When:        Friday, June 23rd at 12 noon CDT (Rain or Shine)
Where:      James R. Thompson Center (State of Illinois Building) Courtyard 

                   -100 W Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60601
Why:         To demonstrate in support of licensed school librarian positions and 

                     school library program budgets in every school in Illinois
How:          RSVP here. And bring your voice, your heart and your hope! 

Click Here to RSVP for the Rally!

Update!!! It Was A Good Year!

Librarians in East St. Louis school district 189 circulated book until the last day of school!  Our new grant total of books checked out my K-12 students in the district is....
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