I went to work today and exposed my pitiful side. I went to work to drop off books for a couple of students who are not adapting to our expanded ebook platform. I ended up remaining in the building and completed some work that needed to be done. I just couldn't walk out and leave these tasks undone, so I sat down and got to work. I couldn't help but notice, my library media center was quiet, way too quiet.
- No pop up visits to ‘check on me’ from Rico, The Datcher Twins or Rashad.
- No debating with Emilia, Rain or Dena.
- No comedic stories from Carlos or Ashiya.
- No reminders from Daniel or Pedro that my alarm on my phone is ringing, and it’s time for me to bellow, ‘Get to class...I’m not writing passes!’
I emptied my book drop that was jammed packed with books. The custodial and security staff onsite was sweet and placed them in the book drop when they cleaned out the lockers. My students were also responsible and dropped off their books when they came to the school over the last couple of months to pick up virtual learning equipment. The tables in the library media center's conference room had already begun to fill up with books that were quarantined. I just added to the growing piles.
The custodial staff has been so helpful and has been watering my plants that unfortunately I had to leave behind when we had to exit the building last spring. My 'big boys' that are on my circulation desk looked healthy and maintained. I then looked at the empty tables and soft seating area where my students would sit, joke around and sometimes even argue with each other. I then looked at my boxes of new books, unopened on the work tables in my Makerspace lab. Books that I know my students would enjoy reading and quite frankly, fight over first dibs. I stood in the hallway, looking through the glass at my quiet and empty Makerspace. I reflected how I would tap on the glass when I would observe students becoming a little too 'spirited' while engaged during a Minecraft skill build. It was at that time I just had to walk out, it was too much.
- This pandemic is ratchet,
- This pandemic is unpredictable,
- This pandemic has Jheri curl! Yes, I said it!
I’m SO done and ready to go back to my library media center. I'm ready to get back to work with my students but #OnlyWhenItsSafe and the virus has flatlined for my own personal health. My students need to regain normalcy, I need it too. Yes, I have more time to read/review books and take care of myself, but I miss the part of my job that is 'face-to-face.' One day we will be back together again, it's this optimism that keeps me moving forward.